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Event Live Streaming
Competitive I Pristine I Professional
We take pride in making all events the success they deserve to be, It’s our way of saying we are committed to your definition of excellence, because we both want the same result, an AMAZING event!
One thing we do not shy from is the production of all live streaming, we continually strive for extravagant productions.
We now offer live streaming to all social media platforms for any event, meaning you can stream your wedding ceremony, speeches or wedding reception to social media platforms for friends or family who cannot attend to watch.
For privacy purposes we stream to a private web page that is only sharable with a custom URL for loved ones who cannot attend your wedding / event celebrations to watch from the comfort of their own homes.
We require 1 HD image to create the thumbnail used for the Live Stream link, this can be sent via email, Dropbox or WhatsApp.
The Live Stream offers a slide show, however we require 20 - 40 digital Images in order for us to create the slideshow, these can be sent via Dropbox or WhatsApp.
Personal messages and voice notes can also be included, however we require this information the day before the ceremony.
The Live Stream link will be sent 2-3 days before we go live and only once we receive the ceremony details and HD image.
For HD quality and for server’s reliability we will always recommend streaming to YouTube.
There are no limitations as to the amount of persons that can view the live stream.
The Live Stream can be viewed on your TV, Tablet, Smart Phone, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal and Viber, and can be shared across all social media platforms.
The Live Stream will begin 10 - 20 minutes before the scheduled start time.
When the Live Stream concludes it will be available permanently on YouTube for your viewing.
We create a public or an unlisted live stream, unlisted meaning only persons with the link can view the live stream, we recommend making it a public live stream first, that way should any relatives have lost the live stream link, they can search for the live stream on Google or YouTube as it is taking place so that they can find it easier, when the live stream concludes we can make it an unlisted video so that only those with the link can view the live stream.
The Live Stream offers up to a 4 camera setup, we provide all the necessary persons and equipment needed for streaming your event to social media.
We use a UPS as power should the venue have no electricity or should there be load shedding.
The interactive Zoom call is recommended for loved ones that are unable to be attend, we create the connection and they have interaction with loved ones at the wedding ceremony.
HD recordings of the Live Stream are available at request, and up to 48 hours after the Live Stream has concluded and only once full payment has been received.
We cannot be held responsible for any footage latency or interruption during the live stream due to network related issues, venue infrastructure interference, venue location, or any related circumstances out of our control. Should this be the case, we record the Live Stream, and reschedule it up to 24 hours after the scheduled start time.
Alexi The DJ